Saturday, 16 June 2012


Holy interchangeable configurations, Batman!

Some very tiny rare earth magnets arrived the other day and I decided to start magnetising sooner rather than later. It was much easier than I expected, the hardest part was not glueing my fingers together while handling the fiddle wee things.
I had planned to use tweezers to help place them, however with my typical lack of foresight I selected tweezers made of iron that were thus magnetic.

Once I'd figured out what I wanted to magnetise I just put a dab of glue on one surface, held the magnet on for a few seconds and it was good to go. Some, like the little holes for the heavy weapons, I put the magnet in first then put some super glue over it to hold it in.

I was worried the magnets would be too small at 1mm thick, 2mm across. They ended up being perfect, holding an auto-cannon snugly against the side of a sentinel.

Now I can enjoy my newly magnetic heavy weapons squad. Just need to find more things to stick magnets to...

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